Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Mallory is the youngest of our four girls. The baby. She will probably always be referred to as THE baby. In just a few short weeks, she graduates from high school. We've been through this three others times, but, for some reason, this time, it feels different. Of course, we are taking the time to celebrate Mallory’s accomplishments, but I suppose, in a way, my husband, Clint, and I are celebrating our family's accomplishments as well.

WE DID IT! But, for the Grace of God, all four girls have graduated from high school and are on their way to living full lives.

Rachel is a real estate broker. She and her husband, Chad, have moved about five hours away to Michigan where they bought a “fixer upper”. They continue to get acquainted with their new jobs and new surroundings while traveling back and forth to visit.

Jessica, earned her Sports Management degree from the University of Indianapolis a few years ago. She and her husband, Charley, have their first baby on the way. Rhyan will make her appearance in early September. So, no sooner will we get the last of the girls out of high school before Clint and I will begin our new roles as “Nana & Grandad”. (Grandparent titles are still a work in progress.)

And, it seems like it was just yesterday that Crystal was graduating from high school, but no. That was four years ago! She finishes her college degree from IUPUI this summer and then, she and her boyfriend, Korrie, will begin making all those big life decisions about marriage, career, buying a house, etc. It is an exciting time for our family!

New jobs. New goals. New adventures. And, new people. In the last several years, our family has been through a lot of changes, both good and bad. Some have caused setbacks while others have been blessings. It took a lot of prayer, determination and hard work, but, the important thing is...WE MADE IT!!  It is for this reason that I ask you, dear friend, to forgive us this year if the graduation party is a little bigger and the tears flow a little longer.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;  the Lord make his face shine on you  and be gracious to you;  the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

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